Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Goodbye to the Traitor!...Hip...Hip...Hooray!

Senator Arlen Specter is finally telling the truth. He is not and never was a Republican and he is becoming a Democrat. The writing was on the wall. Specter could not fend off the challenge of Pat Toomey, a Conservative Republican. Maybe his change of heart is because his polling is telling him he cannot be reelected as a Republican.

"I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate," he said in the statement.

"I don't have to say anything to them. They said it to me," Specter said, when asked in a Capitol corridor about abandoning the GOP.

Specter believes that because thousands of Pennsylvanians switched parties last year from Republican to Democrat he can be elected as a Dem. Guess someone forgot to tell him about Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos.

Now maybe McCain will have the guts to make his move to the Dems. My bet is the Democrats will only give the RINO's lip service and little else.

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