Friday, May 22, 2009

Flood the Halls...Make the Calls against ACES (HR2454)

Please if you have time today or this weekend, e-mail and call your Senators and Congresspeople, to ask them to vote NO on the Bill, HR2454, or as it's called, ACES.

It is the largest transfer of American wealth in history and the money will go to a cabal of domestic and foreign investors and multi-national companies who stand to make Trillions of dollars off the back of the American people.

Please, before another fraud is perpetrated on the American people call your Congressmen and Senators and ask then to vote NO. This Bill affects all of us so I am providing Kansas & Missouri Residents with the following Contact information. Just click on the links to send e-mails or get phone numbers.
This bill is part of, what may be, a world wide criminal enterprise (one might even say conspiracy) between people who financially supported Barak Obama during the election and who are now being financially rewarded. Part of this scheme was the necessary takeover, by this Administration, of General Motors and Chrysler. The government needs the the existing infrastructure of the automakers so they can be "quickly" retooled for green automobile production.

This is another huge tax increase on the American People in more ways than ANYONE understands even one of the Senators that wrote the bill HR2554 in the first place...

Even if you read the just the Summary of this bill, you realize it's all about electric cars, electric transmission lines, carbon credits (taxes), Grid 2.0, Smart Meters and Government control of our lives. This is a bill that must be passed to fulfill the agenda of Obama's masters, the money people, like GE's Jeffery Immelt and George Soros, who's ideas may be behind every piece of legislation the Democrats have put into law this year and for at least the last two years.

The bill will raise energy prices immediately by 6% to 20% over the next ten years and this is just the know consequences stated in black and white in the bill. The unintended consequences of this bill is not understood but it could destroy other's industries that Obama promised to "tax out of existence", the Coal Industry for one. It will hurt Farmers and drive up food prices. It will expand the Federal Governments immenient domaine rights over those of the States. It will render null, the ability of each State to determine what is best for it's people and resources.

This bill will regulate every facet of American life. This bill legislates climate theory as fact. It gives foreign entities influence over American energy use, manufacturing, daily life, monetary policy. It makes Global Warming a money making enterprise for the Al Gore's and George Soros' of this world.

This transfer of wealth from the American taxpayer is not just to benefit the poor in America but to transfer of the wealth of America to the Global Masters of a One World Government. This redistributive intent has been in Obama's plans since he was a State Senator in Illinois. This is from a Public Radio interview in Chicago in 2001. He didn't believe the time was right for Redistribution back then.

What changed his mind? As Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, said "Never waist a good crisis". There was looming housing crisis in 2007 and 2008 brought on by policies encouraged by Obama and the Democrats since their takeover of The House and Senate in 2006. The mortgage regulations were being manipulated to make it possible for poor, under-employed people and illegal immigrants to purchase homes with Federal money from Freddie and Fanny. Loans that in most cases couldn't be paid back. This led to the financial meltdown.

The oil crisis came at the critical moment in the Presidential election last August. McCain had just pulled ahead of Obama in the Presidential polls and at that exact moment the price of a barrel of oil shot up dramatically. Unknown "Commodity Speculators" drove the price of oil up to $140 a barrel. The Housing Crisis abruptly escalated about the same time and the election's results were a Fete de Compli.

At some future date historians will write about the corruption in the Presidential election of 2008. They will report about how the spiderweb of deceit, lies and corruption helped elect a President of the United States. One who would deliver the American people into unimaginable debt with the help of a manipulated crisis and corrupt organizations such as ACORN. These events usurped the rights of every man, woman and child in America.

For now, the Powers-that-be are rushing through Congress every possible bill , to become the laws that will control every thing we do in America. They will control what we eat, where we live, what kind of car we drive. They will control what kind of energy we will be allowed to use. If you smoke you will pay a heavy tax. If you use oil or gas you will pay a heavy tax. If you drink soda pop or eat a candy bar you will be taxed. If you are overweight you will pay a higher rate for your health insurance. If you are old, the Government will decide if you are valuable enough for the State to allow you to receive life saving medical procedures. The Government will control your life and death.

This is real and it's happening to your future now!

Are you content to just sit back and let the Genocide of America happen? We must stand up now and put a stop to this Administration's plans to make us all slaves to the Federal Government. Our very way of life is at stake. We must support State's Rights and the Sovereignty movements now, to protect the rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution, before it's too late.

Wake up! Stand Up! Take back our Country!

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