Saturday, July 18, 2009

Web of Lies Entangles American Lives...but there is hope...

I sincerely hope that all the people who gave us this President last November are happy with the Hope and Change they are getting. There is not even a scant, square inch of American life that hasn't been changed or is going to be changed in some negative way, and unfortunately, it is going to get worse.

The web grows larger and more complex every day. The reams of paper in the form of legislation flowing into the House and Senate are so complex that there is no one there to explain to the American people what is happening to them. No one would want to. The laws being passed without even a sideways glance by the very people we sent to Washington D.C. to protect us haven't been read by them. They have been dropped on the desks of the leadership who demand they be passed or the bogeyman will get us.

Lobbyist, business interest, Unions and God knows who else have written parts of all the legislation passed or being considered since the TARP bill. Anyone who believes that any member of the current Democratic side of Congress could have written these bills is working with the same lone braincell that these members of Congress possess.

One year ago we were in the midst of a contrived energy crisis with gasoline hovering at $4.50+ per gallon. The futures traders, in George Soro's stealthy attack on American free markets, were in full swing. Experts told us that the markets weren't being manipulated even as these trading cannibals drove the price of a barrel of oil up to $146 dollars. They said it was a supply and demand problem. They lied. There wasn't and isn't an oil shortage. Oil has been as low as $36.00 dollars a barrel since the high of last year and supply is at it's highest levels in recent memory. The myth of Peak Oil is being shown for what it is: manipulation and outright lies.

Where is the truth in all of this mess. The truth is that people who are vastly wealthy and think they are above the law, above the American people and above America were and still are pursuing an agenda to bring about radical change in America. It started with the election of the most far left President in American history. It was done, willfully, to enact programs, only now coming to light, that will enslave every American man, woman and child, no matter what color they are, in insurmountable debt.

The financial markets have being manipulated as well. The Goldman Sacs debacle was coming to a head, last year, like a huge, rancid boil, befouling every other related financial market. The markets were bathing in an orgy of insider trading as huge profits were taken out of the every institution selling credit default swaps and in general any financial derivative. Hedge funds that had shadowy business structures were making billions of dollars.

The Federal Government, in the fall of 2008, was "rescuing" Fannie and Freddie with an unusual tactic developed by none other than the head of the Federal Reserve at that time, our current Treasury secretary, Timothy Giethner. We saw the the Federal Treasury being drained of taxpayer money to prop up failing financial giants AIG, Lehmen Brothers and Bear Sterns.

Why was the Federal Reserve allowed to buy AIG. It wasn't a true financial company, it was an insurance company. How was the Fed able to do this? Was this even allowed under the Federal Reserve Act?

How did GE become a financial instrument that was rescued with TARP funds? A loop hole gave the world-wide manufacturing giant 340 billion dollars of taxpayer money and Jeffery Immelt, GE's, CEO now sits on the President's Economic Council. Questions remain even in a climate that find AIG now making fantastic profits and once again giving bonuses to their employees.

This was the company that was in such bad shape that if it failed, it would take down the United States of America with it. The problems of cash flow in our economy still exist. Credit is non-existent. The money is flowing into the pockets of AIG executives but not into small businesses to create jobs and not to the American people.

The auto industry was under attack. General Motors and Chrysler were reeling from massive losses due to bad management, Union intimidation and thievery, Government interference and declining sales due to high energy prices. The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fall into place for the eventual hijacking of these companies by the Federal Government and it's eventual takeover of the auto sector.

Obama was already choosing who would win and who would fail. This goes beyond social engineering, he had started to remake America. The Unions are gaining power, they did, after all, help him get elected and probably not in entirely legal ways.

All of this re-engineering was done both before he was elected and since he was inaugurated. It continues today. The energy sector bill that passed House of Representatives and the health care debate taking place now are all cogs on the same wheel. Obama is governing by bullying, intimidation, cronyism and threats. He won so we should all bow down to his perverse policies. He wants to control every aspect of life in America. The two charts below show the complexity of passed Cap and Trade House legislation and the proposed health care plans.

These charts are a vision of subterfuge that would take an Einstein to untangle. Who wrote them. It certainly isn't Prima Donna Congressmen and Senators who only want more face time on television so their voters back home will think they are actually doing something.

Obama's unelected Czars are going to control vast sums of money and will have decisions making powers on spending and regulations that will affect how every American lives their lives. The Budget for most agencies will be approved by the Czars and not by the vetted Cabinet Secretaries like, Kathleen Sibelius, "head" of HHS. Congress is being side-stepped and whatever balance of power in government existed before Obama was elected is gone. Obama thinks he is more powerful than the Congress, the Courts the American people.

He is stripping the power away from all cabinet positions and the authority of Congress and taking control to the White House and his little cabal of thugs like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod. These men and women are accountable only to the President and they are creating a bureaucracy within a bureaucracy within a bureaucracy. More layers of the very Government red tape that has driven up the cost of everything, energy, health care, transportation and business.

The Constitution is becoming irrelevant. Obama will use regulatory agencies such as the EPA to institute any provisions he can't get passed through Congress in the Cap and Trade bill. Local building codes, property rights the very fabric of our society is being pushed aside by EPA regulation such as something as mundane as light bulbs.

Next year incandescent bulbs will be illegal. We'll all have to replace our inexpensive bulbs with the much more costly and dangerous mercury filled compact fluorescents or very expensive LED arrays. That bill, the Energy Independence and Security Act, was passed by the newly elected Democratic Senate and House of Representatives in 2007, so Obama's philosophies were definitely being imbued in Congress the year he announced his run for the Presidency.

The bills that have been proposed or passed since Obama was elected have been complex vehicles of legislation meant to supplement easier implementation of proposals not yet signed in to law. The Stimulus, the first bill Congress passed under Obama's was over 1,100 pages supposedly written in only a few days by the House of Representatives. That is a fairy tail.

This monstrosity was passed as an emergency measure, Pass it NOW bill, that was to get the economy going again with "shovel ready projects" being inserted by members of the House. The truth was it was a Democratic Party partisan bill with paybacks to cronies of Obama and Democratic Congressmen and Senators. They are buying votes and support for the very causes, that if enacted, will destroy America.

The only glimmer of hope on the American scene today are the Tea Party Protesters. We are beginning to have an impact on the process. Most Republicans and some of the so called Blue Dog Democrats from the South and Mid-west are balking at the outrageous spending being pushed on the American people. Even though Cap and Trade was cramed through the House, the Senate has been less receptive to the massive spending, higher energy prices and job killing tax increases contained in the bill.

The phone lines are literally melting at Congressional offices and at the Capital as hundreds of thousands of Tea Party Patriots call their Representatives (?) offices and say one word to all this out of control spending; NO!

That is the most important thing we can do. Just say NO! Next year the American People can do something really important. They can elect new Congressmen, Senators, Governors, Mayors and Councilpeople who reflect the principles of the Founding Fathers. Remaking our Constitution is not what the American people want. We want what the Constitution stands for to be appreciated and followed by our elected officials. EVERY member of Congress who doesn't embrace what the Constitution says should be removed from office. The document isn't to be interpreted by the times we live in. It means what it says!
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
We must not let selfish men take power for themselves that rightly belongs to the American People. The Declaration of Independence declares it best...

God Bless America!

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