Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party Almost Here!

Five thoughts about how to prepare for the Tax Day Tea Party that's just 1 week+1day away.
  1. Convince a friend or neighbor to attend the Tea Party with you.
  2. Talk to anyone who seems interested in your message. Tell them that everyone needs to make their voices heard. There is strength in numbers.
  3. Prepare your signs. Put some thought into your message. Call for fiscal responsibility and supporting the constitution.
  4. Call a talk radio program to support the Tea Party Movement. We are under attack on all the Cable news channels. We are being called stupid, crazy and most disturbingly - Racist. The racist label is being pushed hard by the Democratic Talking Heads. Disagreeing with the President or calling out his Administration's desire to redistribute wealth is not racist.
  5. Talk to friends and Family about the 9 Principles and 12 Values of the 9-12 Project.
I've been reviewing my own blog and I believe I can back up the things I say. I have NEVER been a racist. Some of my articles are based on race because our President had made it a very divisive issue in his campaign to get elected, in his policies and in his campaign to be the "World Leader". He has belittled America at every opportunity and has been willing to throw America under the bus just as he did his Grandmother and his pastor Reverand Wright. He is now the most polorizing President in the last four decades.

Please try to attend an area Tea Party. We hold America's future in our hands.

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