Monday, February 2, 2009

The Soros Plan for America and the world...

There was a very interesting link on the Drudge Report about an article that George Soros had written for the Financial Times. I had to read the article four of five times to understand it, but to me this is the most cogent paragraph:

"Energy policy could also play an important role in counteracting both depression and deflation. The American consumer can no longer act as the motor of the global economy. Alternative energy and developments that produce energy savings could serve as a new motor, but only if the price of conventional fuels is kept high enough to justify investing in those activities. That would involve putting a floor under the price of fossil fuels by imposing a price on carbon emissions and import duties on oil to keep the domestic price above, say, $70 per barrel."

I believe Soros and his buddies, who heavily supported Barak Obama in the election, may have caused the gas price fiasco last fall that started the ball rolling on the current financial crisis. He and a group of unnamed associates manipulated the British pound in 1989 and almost toppled the Bank of England. His fingerprints seem to be all over this crisis. What better way to enrich himself and give a big push to the global governance of our economy and our government. You can read the full article at:

Dry, but worth the read. It tells us so much about whats really going on with the bailout.

To see why I believe this I share with you some of the things I've been reading lately:
"Satan Lives in George Soros"
it's just an opinion piece but the article mentions Neil Hrab, a Canadian writer and Warren T. Brookes Journalism Fellow. It had a link to his [Neil Hrab] article: George Soros' Social Agenda for America. When I clicked on the link it gave me the
"Internet page of death: This page no longer found."

Another link in the article The Soros Doctrine had this message on their website "
"There was an error loading the sponsor logo.
The article has been unable to display."

Interesting...Soros' articles being blocked...maybe I'm paranoid but read this at

A very enlightening bio of George Soros that includes this paragraph:
"In a $10 billion 1992 deal whose success was contingent upon the devaluation of the British Pound, Soros earned himself a $1 billion profit and the title, "the man who broke the Bank of England." To date, he has amassed a personal fortune exceeding $7 billion. In addition, his management company controls billions of dollars more in investor assets."
There is a synopsis of initiatives that Mr. Soros supports in this article and it is both informative and scary:

To get an idea of Mr. Soros' ideas in his own vernacular visit his Open Society Foundation website to see a small part of his plans for America:

and finally you need to read the article on about the ties between George Soros and the Obama promises made during the election:

All in all I am finding the Obama Administration and George Soros' plans for America very scary.

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