Sunday, August 30, 2009

Has the term "the Left" become code for Black?

I don't like writing about racism. I will admit, it makes me self-conscious because I am a white women. But I've been on this earth long enough to know that the election of Barak Obama has been very bad for race relations. It has been bad on a number of fronts but I have to ask myself; "What percentage of Black Americans have embraced Obama's views that are Socialistic at best but are even closer to Communism?"

It would appear that the number is small but people with ideas that are Anti-American are reaching very high into our Federal Government and the Obama Administration. I know that the common, everyday, Black America still loves their Country and it's Constitution, right? I am becoming convinced I may be wrong...

School security officer Wesley Cheeks, Jr. is a man who optimizes the undercurrent that we are seeing evidenced in this his utterance about this not being America anymore: "It ain't no more, OK!" This is truly frightening. Free Speech is not legal on School property? This is unconstitutional on many levels but it has been tolerated in cases banning Religious Speech in Schools. The very mention of God in schools sends the Left into a tizzy so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

More and more Black Politicians are embracing Communism as evidenced by the Congressional Black Caucus's recent trip to Cuba. They came back praising Castro and the Cuban health care system. Anyone who has ever studied history, or is of an age who lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, knows that Castro is an avowed enemy of the United States. Ask any Cuban refugee about the health care in Cuba and you will get a truer picture of what it means to be a third world Country.

And yet, this is what Black Legislators think about it. Listen to Rep. Maxine Waters....

I understand the pride that Black Americans feel when they see a man who is the same color as they are, reaching the highest office in the Land. But I though that Barak had a white Mother? That makes him only half-black. But that isn't the point.

It's not his color, his race, that offends me. It's his political leanings, some only suspected, some know, that won't allow me trust his motives. He is closer to the Communist ideology than I am comfortable with and proposals in Congress want to give him unprecedented power over every facet of American life. Spreading the wealth from people who produce wealth to give it to people who produce nothing but more children to use even more resources is his desire. If you have a society that depends on the Government for every need then you don't have freedom.

We are careening down a path to Fascism at an alarming. Big Business and Government are melding for the enrichment of an unknown entity who seem to be pulling the strings and are using racism as a defense against any criticism. Union Leaders and General Electrics' CEO sit on the board of the Federal Reserve. They don't want the books of the Fed opened. They American people have the right to know how the Fed is spending it's money.

Men and Women of African-American heritage are being given positions in board rooms and Government positions the will help write regulations that will affect every American. People with connection with the TIDES Foundation and Apollo Foundation are writing the legislation on Cap and Trade and Health Care. These two organizations are left leaning facilitators that are helping Obama remake America.
Established in 1976 by California-based activist Drummond Pike, the Tides Foundation was set up as a public charity that receives money from donors and then funnels it to the recipients of their choice. Because many of these recipient groups are quite radical, the donors often prefer not to have their names publicly linked with the donees. By letting the Tides Foundation, in effect, "launder" the money for them and pass it along to the intended beneficiaries, donors can avoid leaving a "paper trail." Such contributions are called "donor-advised," or donor-directed, funds.

Through this legal loophole, nonprofit entities can also create for-profit organizations and then funnel money to them through Tides -- thereby circumventing the laws that bar nonprofits from directly funding their own for-profit enterprises. Pew Charitable Trusts, for instance, set up three for-profit media companies and then proceeded to fund them via donor-advised contributions to Tides, which (for an 8 percent management fee) in turn sent the money to the media companies.
Source: Continue reading...
The Apollo Alliance is a radical environmental leftist organization.
A project of the Tides Center, the Apollo Alliance (AA) claims to have been "launched in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy to catalyze a clean energy revolution in America." AA says that in late 2007 it "spun off from its founding organizations, Campaign for America's Future and Center for Wisconsin Strategy, formed its own Board of Directors, and expanded its staff and program to better meet the critical challenge of promoting clean energy and good jobs."

The watchdog website describes AA as a coalition composed of "[t]rue believers with an absolute belief that go
vernment is the solution to all social and economic problems, allied with labor unions, subsidy-seeking companies and global warming / weather control advocates."
These Foundations are involved in social justice programs which translate to putting People of Color into positions of power. There is nothing wrong with deserving people being promoted to Board of Directorships or Managers except when their sole purpose in life is to remake America into a Socialist or Communist country.

Van Jones, an avowed Communist is the Green Jobs Czar in Obama's White House. He was a co-founder of the Apollo Alliance. When you click on the interactive map at for Gerald Hudson you get this:The number of Law Firms, Oil Companies, and Medical companies you get by clicking on Redefining America and SEIU are incredible. You can begin to see how intertwined these organizations and the programs being proposed by the Obama Administration are. The Apollo Aliance and the SEIU helped craft the legislation. You can begin to see how these complex documents delivered to (Con)gress to be voted on and passed as soon as possible are tainted. Documents with thousands of pages of legal jargon that our Congress People just don't have time to read and want to pass into law at the earliest possible date.

This is a new kind of Racism. Black Men and Women are getting ahead in the Obama Administration. The only question is will it cost America it's future as a Free Republic. Hope and Change were great themes from Obama's presidential campaign. They were also concurrent themes from Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". The Obama Hope and Change that the "people who look like him" thought would free them from their misery are in for a big shock. They will probably think that the white half of Obama's Hope and Change has enslaved them once again.

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