Monday, February 4, 2013

The U.N's Climate Policy Comes to a Screeching Halt!

For more than three years since hackers broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit  the worlds climate scientists have debated pro and con about whether global warming is really a man-caused phenomena. Now comes a game changing leak from that blows the top off the debate maybe once and for all. 

But you have to go deeper into the real story and see the players. Businessmen and politicians brought together by the fury of desire to control everything connected to energy, money and mankind set up Carbon Exchanges in Chicago. Barack Obama was on the board of Directors of that exchange and many more famous and infamous names of individuals and foundations are connected to that scandalous plan. But it started about a decade ago in Europe and involves the likes of George Soros and Al Gore among many other ultra wealthy control freaks.

From an article
Existing Cap-and-Trade Programs to Cut Global Warming Emissions that describes the process...
California is the largest entity in this RGGI scheme. That should tell you something about the already dismal prospects of any real viability of survival for that state.

Cap and Trade is the process used to 'exchange' carbon credits (literally air) for money under the auspices of some arbitrary group of countries, businesses foundations, or politicians. You pay for the right to pollute the air. The more you pollute the more you pay. Its not about stopping pollution its about conditioning society to use less energy so you don't cause as much pollution.  But that's the question; how much is mankind responsible for global warming or is it solar activity that causes the warming and cooling?

That is why the Obama administration is so anxious to have carbon dioxide declared a pollutant. For every breath a human exhales he theoretically could be charged a tax for his carbon dioxide emmission. Yep!, a tax just to breath.  

You can bet if global warming is a device of forced control then the Cap and Trade entities are are nothing more than onerous taxing agencies. And CCX, even though it still operates in Chicago at a greatly diminished capacity, will come to an abrupt end if the Shorebank/Barack Obama/Kamala Harris/Tony West/Diane Fienstien connection is truly exposed. It encompasses the tattered money laundering scandals of the Obama Campaign Finance of foreign cash in California...but that's another story... 

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