Friday, November 21, 2008

Killing the American Dream

The One Worlders’ didn’t have to defeat the United States with a bullet or a bomb, they’ve done it with the ballot box.

America has done itself in and put the most radical Congress, Senate and President in place probably for the next eight years and beyond. I don’t care how mad you were at the Bush administration, Democrats and every person who voted for Barak Obama and the new Congress; have unwittingly given the radicals in the United Nations and the United States Congress the tools to dismantle the US economy and its military position in the world. We are in for an era of higher taxes, more stringent environmental controls and less freedom and greater danger from our enemies.

Australia has been in the grips of major drought for more than a decade and some in their government are pushing for world wide restrictions on water usage through the UN. This is happening right now in Australia with the waterless toilet initiative, the toilet flush tax and the limit to the use of water in general. They want to restrict how many loads of laundry you do, how many times you use your toilet, how many showers you take and for how long, no dishwashers, no car washes, no water parks, less air conditioning and the list goes on.

Senator Barney Franks who brought us the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle has put a kink in the bailout for the auto industry insisting that there needs to be more “regulation” by congress in the way auto makers run their companies and make their cars. The Greenies are going to have their wildest dreams come true. You think Americans don’t like American cars now, wait till you see what happens when congress designs our vehicles!

Franks wont hold the unions accountable for driving up car prices with higher and higher wages and benefits for workers. This is not the workers fault. Yes, they have benefited from the union negotiations but they have little control over what’s asked for by the Union.

Auto Executives stubbornly hoard their executive power in an unabashedly brazen spectacle of arrogance by flying on their corporate jets to meet with Congress and that’s the only thing Congress can focus on. Congress has never taken an honest look at itself. There are enough Prima Donnas on the Capital Hill to make the executives of any company seem less culpable for their actions.

If the auto makers are allowed to go under then literally thousands of American workers and thousands who are retired will loose their income and health care. Hundreds of related industries will go under as a result of the Auto Makers demise. Steel and metal manufacturers of which there are a scant few left in this country will go under or leave the country. Companies that manufacture parts, batteries, seat belts, car seats, nuts, bolts and rivets that support automobile manufacturing will go under.

This is a crisis of epic proportions!

America is careening down a road that takes us away from true free market capitalism and we are being led into a China-like capitalistic socialism. Most Americans don’t even know what that means.

If we value our freedoms we had better WAKE UP!

Things like "Seeing the USA in our Chevrolet" and taking long hot showers and having green lawns will be a thing of the past. The American Dream, however we define it, will be a distant memory for all of us.

Good bye United States of America.

Hello United States of Socialist America ...

and you thought it could never happen.

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