Sunday, August 30, 2009

Has the term "the Left" become code for Black?

I don't like writing about racism. I will admit, it makes me self-conscious because I am a white women. But I've been on this earth long enough to know that the election of Barak Obama has been very bad for race relations. It has been bad on a number of fronts but I have to ask myself; "What percentage of Black Americans have embraced Obama's views that are Socialistic at best but are even closer to Communism?"

It would appear that the number is small but people with ideas that are Anti-American are reaching very high into our Federal Government and the Obama Administration. I know that the common, everyday, Black America still loves their Country and it's Constitution, right? I am becoming convinced I may be wrong...

School security officer Wesley Cheeks, Jr. is a man who optimizes the undercurrent that we are seeing evidenced in this his utterance about this not being America anymore: "It ain't no more, OK!" This is truly frightening. Free Speech is not legal on School property? This is unconstitutional on many levels but it has been tolerated in cases banning Religious Speech in Schools. The very mention of God in schools sends the Left into a tizzy so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

More and more Black Politicians are embracing Communism as evidenced by the Congressional Black Caucus's recent trip to Cuba. They came back praising Castro and the Cuban health care system. Anyone who has ever studied history, or is of an age who lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, knows that Castro is an avowed enemy of the United States. Ask any Cuban refugee about the health care in Cuba and you will get a truer picture of what it means to be a third world Country.

And yet, this is what Black Legislators think about it. Listen to Rep. Maxine Waters....

I understand the pride that Black Americans feel when they see a man who is the same color as they are, reaching the highest office in the Land. But I though that Barak had a white Mother? That makes him only half-black. But that isn't the point.

It's not his color, his race, that offends me. It's his political leanings, some only suspected, some know, that won't allow me trust his motives. He is closer to the Communist ideology than I am comfortable with and proposals in Congress want to give him unprecedented power over every facet of American life. Spreading the wealth from people who produce wealth to give it to people who produce nothing but more children to use even more resources is his desire. If you have a society that depends on the Government for every need then you don't have freedom.

We are careening down a path to Fascism at an alarming. Big Business and Government are melding for the enrichment of an unknown entity who seem to be pulling the strings and are using racism as a defense against any criticism. Union Leaders and General Electrics' CEO sit on the board of the Federal Reserve. They don't want the books of the Fed opened. They American people have the right to know how the Fed is spending it's money.

Men and Women of African-American heritage are being given positions in board rooms and Government positions the will help write regulations that will affect every American. People with connection with the TIDES Foundation and Apollo Foundation are writing the legislation on Cap and Trade and Health Care. These two organizations are left leaning facilitators that are helping Obama remake America.
Established in 1976 by California-based activist Drummond Pike, the Tides Foundation was set up as a public charity that receives money from donors and then funnels it to the recipients of their choice. Because many of these recipient groups are quite radical, the donors often prefer not to have their names publicly linked with the donees. By letting the Tides Foundation, in effect, "launder" the money for them and pass it along to the intended beneficiaries, donors can avoid leaving a "paper trail." Such contributions are called "donor-advised," or donor-directed, funds.

Through this legal loophole, nonprofit entities can also create for-profit organizations and then funnel money to them through Tides -- thereby circumventing the laws that bar nonprofits from directly funding their own for-profit enterprises. Pew Charitable Trusts, for instance, set up three for-profit media companies and then proceeded to fund them via donor-advised contributions to Tides, which (for an 8 percent management fee) in turn sent the money to the media companies.
Source: Continue reading...
The Apollo Alliance is a radical environmental leftist organization.
A project of the Tides Center, the Apollo Alliance (AA) claims to have been "launched in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy to catalyze a clean energy revolution in America." AA says that in late 2007 it "spun off from its founding organizations, Campaign for America's Future and Center for Wisconsin Strategy, formed its own Board of Directors, and expanded its staff and program to better meet the critical challenge of promoting clean energy and good jobs."

The watchdog website describes AA as a coalition composed of "[t]rue believers with an absolute belief that go
vernment is the solution to all social and economic problems, allied with labor unions, subsidy-seeking companies and global warming / weather control advocates."
These Foundations are involved in social justice programs which translate to putting People of Color into positions of power. There is nothing wrong with deserving people being promoted to Board of Directorships or Managers except when their sole purpose in life is to remake America into a Socialist or Communist country.

Van Jones, an avowed Communist is the Green Jobs Czar in Obama's White House. He was a co-founder of the Apollo Alliance. When you click on the interactive map at for Gerald Hudson you get this:The number of Law Firms, Oil Companies, and Medical companies you get by clicking on Redefining America and SEIU are incredible. You can begin to see how intertwined these organizations and the programs being proposed by the Obama Administration are. The Apollo Aliance and the SEIU helped craft the legislation. You can begin to see how these complex documents delivered to (Con)gress to be voted on and passed as soon as possible are tainted. Documents with thousands of pages of legal jargon that our Congress People just don't have time to read and want to pass into law at the earliest possible date.

This is a new kind of Racism. Black Men and Women are getting ahead in the Obama Administration. The only question is will it cost America it's future as a Free Republic. Hope and Change were great themes from Obama's presidential campaign. They were also concurrent themes from Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". The Obama Hope and Change that the "people who look like him" thought would free them from their misery are in for a big shock. They will probably think that the white half of Obama's Hope and Change has enslaved them once again.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Collective Thinkers, Think Wrong!

I've been getting a bit of traffic to my website from the "great thinkers" of the left, telling me that my views are wrong and I'm stupid. How skewed their views are. Don't they realize that they are exercising one of their First Amendment rights, just as I am. Free Speech.

Our Constitution, founded on the principles of really enlightened men should be studied by every American citizen. It was written by men who believed in individual rights and not in the collective mentality that exists in the Left and Far Left in this country, at this time. The left has elite, pompous, high-sounding people who believe they and only they have the answers for society and all it's ills.

That is their problem. Belief that society is more important than the individual. That is how the arguments for and against the health care proposals are being postulated. The rights of the individual verses the collective. The supporters of the current health care legislation want a universal system, that covers everyone, just a little. They believe it is better to get limited, universal health care than to stay with a system that looks at a patient as an individual with needs for care that are unique to each human being.

America, is at it's core, is a generous Nation. It provides more opportunity and freedom to it's citizens than anywhere else in the world. Why do you think all those "Illegals" come here? American society has it's faults just like any living entity. Creating a group of citizens who believe they are entitled to be supported, without any effort on their part, is part of what's wrong with this health care debate.

I believe, basic health care should be afforded to every legal citizen but I don't believe the Government is the necessary purveyor of those services. The private sector can always provide services cheaper through competition. But Governments, Local, State and Federal always enact laws that are contrary to the free markets, limiting services with undue regulation and driving up prices for care.

The Private Sector has it's abuses for providing health care too. Where the laws need to be changed would be to require insurance companies to drop pre-existing condition clauses from their policies. Make coverage portable so that laid off workers could receive medical benefits along with their Unemployment. Local Governments could provide temporary coverage until other employment is found. Requiring every person in the country to be invested in their coverage so that health care doesn't become an entitlement.

Most of us, polls show as high as 80% of us, like our current health care, whether we receive it through private policies, medicare, medicaid, or co-ops. The debatable, 45% figure, the current Administration is using to drive its argument is a false number. No matter who runs health care, coverage should only be for legal U.S. citizens and people who pay a portion of their income for their coverage. If it's not broke don't destroy it.

Torte reform has to be included in any serious debate about health care costs. Doctors have to run extra medical tests rather than using their own expertise, to diagnose, to protect themselves from excessive abuse of class action law suits and mal-practice suits brought at the drop of a hat because of the mistaken belief that doctors can fix any medical problem. Insurance premiums for mal-practice needs to be brought down. They must be kept reasonable because we loose good Doctors every day because they can't afford their mal-practice premiums.

Costs can be brought down by competition in the private sector rather than the government limiting care, which is rationing. There are provisions in the bills now circulating in Congress and the Senate that require Government Boards to decide what kind of care you can receive, they aren't called "Death Panels" but their effect is the same.

Anytime a society places a value on an individual to limit what care or procedure they will be able to receive then that society is evil. Current provisions being proposed would prevent individuals from seeking additional care if the Government deemed their care unnecessary.

There are all kinds of imaginative programs and ideas for providing health care floating around this debate and that's the way it should be, a debate! Not just one side, the "I WON" side, shoving it's "progressive" ideas down the throats of the American people.

Run pilot programs on a small scale to determine which programs will work and which won't. The Government could provide a catastrophic insurance policy to provide for devastating illnesses much like flood insurance to help bring down the cost of private insurance. The needs of the people of one state are different than the needs of another state. Again, I say, "One size does not fit all".

I pray that sanity will erupt in the governing bodies of this free nation. Freedom and individual rights should be the driving force behind the policies that govern a free nation. We should aspire to the best possible care for our citizens and not a policy that "levels the playing field" and lowers our standards of health care and innovation in medical technology.

The current proposals in Congress and the Senate have little to do with health care and everything to do with control. People inside this government want to control every facet of our lives and they will use any means to do it. Stop this Health Care Legislation Now! Stop it before some government bureaucrat decides you are no longer a useful member of society. God should decide your fate, not the Government.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hat Tip to my friend...Tom Tompkins

Principled people are very hard to find but it seems my friend Tom Tomkins has found such a man in our U.S. Congress. Watch Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan make his opening statement in the Health Care debate. Listen carefully to what he is saying...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama tells the truth between the lies....

President Obama said today that there is no "Death Panel" in any legislation being considered by Congress and the Senate. His statement is true....except, of course, for Section 1233 in one of the of the bills circulating in the House of Representatives.

This is the provision that mandates "end of life counseling sessions" for anyone over 65, every five years. The counseling would encourage patients needing medical care to have a "Living Will" and "think about" Hospice care as an alternative to life saving treatments. The sessions would be held with a Government paid Physician and a Government Board counseling the patient. There would be "bonus" money paid to the Physician if the patient accepts the Hospice and the pill.

This isn't exactly a Death Panel but it's pretty damn close and there is a bigger issue at stake. The Government can change the rules in the middle of the game by requiring that certain patients must have yearly counseling. More Pressure to give into the Government's wishes. More bonuses for the Doctors. Given what I know of human nature, the patient would opt to die rather than have to spend their last few years on this planet arguing with the Federal Government.

Why does this concern me. Other than Glenn Beck's show have you ever heard of Germany's ActionT4 Project? It was Germany's answer to the health care problem that existed in Germany in the 1930's. It was a euthanasia program that started in 1939 and went on halfway through 1941. 70,273 people were exterminated by physicians acting on Hitler's secret memo of September 1, 1939 and they weren't Jews.

The Euthanasia Decree, written by Adolf Hitler in September 1939, reads as follows:

Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are charged with the responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, to the end that patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment [menschlichem Ermessen] of their state of health, can be granted a mercy death [Gnadentod].

This happened because Germany had such a profound financial crisis that rationing health care and natural resources became acceptable by it's people. They [the German Government] had printed money to sustain their currency all through the 1930's because of the Stock Market crash of 1929. Printing money, buying their own debt, devaluing their money led to a society that devalued not just money, but their people. Does this sound familiar?

The danger for us today is that circumstances that created Hitler's Germany in the 1930's exists today in America. We are spending money at an alarming rate and now the Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Giethner, is asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling to frightening heights. We are printing money we don't have to pay debt's we didn't have the money to pay for in the first place. This isn't going to end well.

The "innocent" language being written into the health care legislation pending in the House is dangerous. When you give any well meaning Government the power over the life or death of it's people you are setting up a blue print for disaster. Does President Obama want to kill me or my fellow Seniors? No.

So why do I believe that Government controlled health care is dangerous for America. One person, the President, can't make that giant leap to rationing health care....but a group of people with radical ideas about population control and rationing resources can influence policy in a political environment such as we have now in America.

President Obama and his health advisers, individually, are not necessarily evil people. But when you combine ideas of well meaning men and women, that are far outside the normal thought of ordinary Americans, you are creating a scenario for great social danger.

Rahm Emanuel's brother, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is on the "Health Care Panel". To say he holds extreme views is an understatement. He has written on such issues as: Assisted Suicide. The promise of a good death, Death with Dignity, Dogma Disputed:

For many people, death in modern advanced societies is inherently undignified. Terminally ill patients are connected to tubes and machines; they experience pain, shortness of breath, and other excruciating symptoms; they are unable to get out of bed, feed themselves, and even go to the bathroom alone; they are cared for in impersonal institutions. In such circumstances, there is no way to maintain dignity in the dying process.1–3 This loss of dignity is a major concern of dying patients and constitutes one of the main motivations behind efforts to improve palliative care and promote the goal of “a good death”.

These are pretty radical ideas. He also believes in a theory called the "Complete Lives System". It advocates for the culling of society by social worth. The chart below gives you a general ideal of the value placed on individuals in Obama's brave new world.

Cass Sunstien advocates Animal Civil Rights and Internet Censorship:
The term “group polarization” refers to something very simple: After deliberating with one another, people are likely to move toward a more extreme point in the direction to which they were previously inclined, as indicated by the median of their pre-deliberation judgements. With respect to the Internet, the implication is that groups of people, especially if they are like-minded, will end up thinking the same thing that they thought before — but in more extreme form.

John Holdren is an Al Gore doomsday environmentalist. He supports limits on energy usage and health care. These are the people that surround Obama. None of them are evil people but they all are people with radical ideas. Together they are far more dangerous than they are individually.

Truman Capote wrote "In Cold Blood" about two men who went on a killing spree in Kansas in the late 1950's. He states that each man, individually probably wouldn't have killed anyone but when the were brought together they formed the complete murderer.

This is the problem with Obama, his Advisers and Czars. They are all ideologically bent in the same direction on the environment, energy and health care. Each one may not be a Socialist in the true sense of the word but together they form a dangerous mindset much like existed in Germany during the early 1930's. They are proposing programs that will take freedom of movement, free speech, and freedom to choose our own health care out of the hands of the people and into the huge bureaucracy that they are creating.

A pet dog may be docile and loving by itself but when put in a group of dogs that are allowed to run free they revert to the pack mentality. Barak Obama and his henchmen have been unleashed by the last election and they are a pack of dogs waiting to devour every bit of freedom the Americans people have. We live in very dangerous times and history does repeat itself.

We are being bankrupted by the policies of this Administration. When there is no money for even essentials there will be a cry for the Government to do somethings. And the Government will, but it will lead us to a totalitarian Society. We must stand up to these people before we find our toddlers and Senior Citizens being led to the Death Panels. Sounds like fiction. Unfortunately, it has happened before and it could be happening again.